Students' Exchanges
Students' Exchanges:
In general the coordination team of each school will be in charge of the organisation and management of workshops and activities. Each students' exchange should contain the following contents' closely related to the topic "Sustainability":
• ice-breaker and social and cultural activities
• presentations/discussions/reflections of activities/projects carried out at home
• presentations/discussions/reflections of evaluations / assessments
• exchange/discussion/collection of best practices and creation of a final charter
• creative and scientific workshops on "Sustainability"
• reflection and feedback sessions
• visits of project related locations (factories, museums, institutions etc.)
• official teachers' meetings
• final show where results/films/presentations of the week are shown
• workshop on eSafety carried out by Austrian students
Apart from workshops and activities based on sustainability students and teachers should also get an insight into cultural life of the host country. Therefore visits of project related locations (factories, farms, companies, museums, theaters, etc. will be included in the program of each students' exchange.
Students will be supported by language teachers and will be linguistically and culturally prepared by their teachers for students' exchanges. All partners have participated in previous Erasmus+ projects and are well experienced in how to organise and support students. Before each students' exchange students will be paired with hosts and they will get in contact via eTwinning, Facebook and/or Skype. All students will write detailed
characterizations about themselves in English which will be exchanged. The first hosting country will then match host and exchange students. As the project is carried out within the borders of the EU accidents and emergency stays in hospitals are covered by the social security systems of all partners countries. If project activities are carried out, students are always be accompanied by their teachers. As this project is based on students' exchanged a 24h observation by teachers cannot be guaranteed. That is why parents will sign authorizations that students can stay alone at host parents. Letters of consent will be signed by all participants.
Students who participate in students exchanges are selected according to the following principles:
- level of mother tongue (Spanish, German, Danish, Polish)- level of English
- initiative students show to participate in the project and transnational students’
- interest in the project
- written application to join the project and transnational exchanges
- reliability, sense of responsibility, motivation to do extra project work outside of school
- open mindedness, communicative skills
- balance between the number of participating girls and boys
- the will and facility to host an exchange student