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LET'S CHALLENGE THE FUTURE                                                                    Approaching new horizons to create a sustainable Europe!

This project focuses on the main topic "Sustainability" divided into four subtopics (Science/Nature/Europe/Culture) and tries to promote them because they are not as highly appreciated and valued as other subjects at school. However, these topics give pedagogues and educators teaching different subjects the opportunity to integrate communicative, scientific, ecological, creative and digital approaches in class which increases the range of acquisition of key competences and skills among students. Within the frame of this project teachers and students carry out specific subject related activities but also interdisciplinary activities based on each schools' curriculum in class.


The project activities focus on "Sustainability" which is elaborated in several subjects (languages, IT, arts, history etc.). In class students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the two topics in an interdisciplinary way. The acquisition of skills and the exchange of knowledge will happen on 4 levels:


The first level is the training at school where teachers integrate innovative methods and didactic approaches to implement "Sustainability" in a wide range of subjects. This leads to an improvement of sustainable investments, quality and efficiency of education, training and youth systems in and outside of school.


The second level focuses on project management and acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences. During this project students and teachers participate actively in project management, organization, planning and administration, this enhances certain organisational skills, entrepreneurship, decisionmaking, responsibility, result orientation etc., which are sometimes neglected in regular learning situations. Furthermore also digital skills and literacy, the use of open resources and carrying out surveys are enhanced by the project. Teachers and students (T&S) gain new experience in ICT. Some of the partners are well experienced in the use of ICT at school, which other project partners will highly benefit from.


The third level is based on workshops with experts and promotes, engages, connects and empowers not only young people but also teachers to gain professional experience and skills and brings them together with experts. In different workshops students but also teachers acquire special professional knowledge and skills in the field of "Sustainability". Again the workshops with experts will be coordinated with in-class activities.


The fourth level focuses on students' and teachers' exchanges, in which students and teachers from different European countries share their knowledge and experience in the field of sustainability. They collect new experiences and knowledge in activities and workshops carried out during the stay and finally transmit their experiences and knowledge to fellow students and teachers at home. In these meetings and trainings students and teachers acquire apart from high quality skills (linguistic skills, literacy, communication, digital literacy) also horizontal skills and competences e.g. social and civic responsibility, cultural awareness and creativity, sense for the importance of Europe and its institutions etc.. Students' exchanges and teachers' trainings also promote cultural, social and civic skills.



In relation to the acquisition of skills and competences and the strengthening of the teaching profession, it has to be mentioned that this project focuses on the exchange of professional expertise and knowledge and the distribution of tasks and responsibilities according to the strengths of each project partner. As some of the Austrian teachers are specialists in the field of science, ecology, biology, protection of the environment, sustainability they will be responsible for the promotion of teaching techniques, methods and material. The same counts for Spain, Denmark and Poland in relation to the subtopics Culture, Nature and Europe.


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